Monday, August 22, 2011

Love You so much - Hillsong

LSS song for this week (hehe)
Reminds me of how Great our God is that I can't contain how blessed I am.  

Hear these praises from a grateful heart
Each time I think of You
The praises start
Love You so much, Jesus
Love You so much

Lord, I love You, my soul sings

In Your presence
Carried on Your wings
Love You so much, Jesus
Love You so much

How my soul longs for you

Longs to worship You forever
In Your power and majesty
Lift my hands, lift my heart
Lift my voice towards the heavens
For You are my sun and shield

Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Daily Devotion

It was a surprise week for me. I don't know how am I going to start with because it’s a long testimony, so much overwhelmed!:-) (maybe I'll share it with you personally when we got to have the opportunity seeing each other) but to make it short, I'll just focus this post on God's faithfulness in my life.

Well I've been praying for something that God answered me so TIMELY :-) Amazing! I know God planted that dream in my heart and so since then I've been praying for it. God's time is perfect. He knows when we are ready or not. He knows when to give it to you or not. He knows what's best for us. At first we may not understand some situations but those are just preparations to greater plans He set for us. All we need to do is to trust Him. He might be at work in us before He can work through us. Just like a pencil, before a user can use it to write as its main purpose, it would first go through sharpening. At first it's really disappointing and hard, so many downfalls but God's healing is there, God's help, wisdom and provisions are there. Until the time it came, you will see yourself that you're totally, completely Healed! Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and you'll realized that Oh I can sense this is gonna be His time. He will show it to you through many ways and through many people. Everything will fall into places amazingly really!!! He will fix every single worry that would come up to your mind. All you need to do is to continuously trust and obey Him, He is faithful He will not let it to happen for nothing. But I have to admit, when I'm on that process, I still have worries and doubts even though God is showing me the ways, I'm still asking if it is His will or not :-( but then the Holy spirit is always rebuking me and always reminding me that God is bigger than any possible problem I might be facing and so I just trust HIM completely and He promised me that He will never leave me nor forsake me Thank You Jesus!

And finally this week I got a confirmation from the Lord and I am convinced that it came from Him. I knew it was the answered prayer and out of surprise! I ask the Lord again! (hehe) Lord Is that for real??? after an hour asking that, I continue the book that I am reading this week, Extravagant Worship by Darlene Zschech, after a few pages, been directed to page 127, and wow how precise the answer it was, He confirmed to me through these passages, "Yes, child, go for it. Go for the dream I've planted in your heart. I am sending you." Amazing! :-)

Trust God's Timing. Time is the greatest proving ground for a dream. From the author of the book it says, "If it is God's dream, it obviously needs time as the perfecting ingredient." Our ability doesn't matter to the lord in achieving our dreams or the things we prayed for, it's because He is ABLE. Ephesians 3:20 says: "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,". He doesn't call the equip but He equip those He calls. The story of Gideon was really inspiring and somehow I felt the same way he felt (hehe) from the book of Judges, even though God is showing already to him the ways and guiding him, he still wants an assurance from the Lord that the Lord is with him. He is still asking for   signs. But God was so patient with Him and do as what He has promised to Gideon.

I believe God sends us because we found favor in the eyes of the Lord, for a greater purpose and whether or not we are capable, the truth is He is ABLE to do mighty things in me, in you, in us J and He will be our strength wherever we go.
"Am I not sending you?"