Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Faith Goals

First of all, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank God for all the blessings He has given me, over the years Lord You have been so faithful to me. It is so true that I cannot rely on my Love for You because many times I have failed You and many times I gave up on You. But You Lord are so stubborn of loving me, steadfast and unshaken. Despite of my failures and weaknesses, You never give up on me, embraced me for who I am because of Your Love that never fails. Thank you for the assurance that I can rely on Your love for me and not on my love for you. 

I know I can't reciprocate all those things but to just merely embraced it and enjoy it :-) family, relatives and friends! :-) It's priceless Lord. What an overflowing blessings, privileges and opportunities it was. Truly without You I am nothing. It was You that brought me where I am today. What a miracle working God I am serving :-).

And for this new and faithful year God is giving me, I'd like to make things right before Him. I know it's not too late to correct my mistakes and to continue the things I knew was right. There's always room for improvement as everyone says and everybody deserves to have a second chance. It's just that I wanted to be a good steward of all the things He entrusted in me. Making the most out of it, and so I came up materializing my faith goals for this year. It is by faith because what is impossible to man is possible with God :-) 

Below are the 10 lists of my faith goals I have set for this year J

1. By faith, strengthen my personal relationship in Christ- Don’t want to be sound biblical but it’s true, this time I really wanted to seek more of Him, doing practical ways, like having my quiet time every day, reading and listening to His word. Hearing His voice makes me felt encourage because I wanted to be the woman God wants me to be.

2. By faith, pursue the ministry where God created me for. Don't want my talents to be used for nothing.

3. By faith, breakthrough on my finances. Save and investing to things that has eternal value.

4. By faith, learn photography, arts and designs but I don't have DSLR and by faith I know I can have one :-)

5. By faith, learn new programming skills, created my own website and more blog posts! But I don't have laptop of my own and by faith I know I can have one!:-) 

6. By faith, to do outreach activity. At least once a year or anytime God wants me to. 

7. By faith, more playing time of instruments (guitar and keyboard). But I don't have guitar right now and by faith I know I can have one :-)

8. By faith, improves healthy living. (sports and exercise!)

9. By faith, to travel but I don't have budget for it and by faith I know I can have :-)

10. By faith, to do business but I don't have budget and the business I'd like to pursue yet :-)

In my own thoughts I know I can't achieve all these things for this year, at least I have a guidelines to focus on and to look on to, but I'd realize that my thoughts are far different from His thoughts so BY FAITH I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me because all things are possible with God and I am claiming it!:-) 

'I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.' - Philippians 3:14

PRESS ON! :-) 
Let your faith goals take you to a new heights! :-) 
Set your goal and live by faith!:-)