Tuesday, June 4, 2013

TORO - 2013 (Time Out Reach Out)

It's been a month now since we have this wonderful, spirit-filled, and amazing experience with my spiritual family. I can say that this is one of the most memorable experience that I have during my stay here at SG. It was my first time joining this kind of event. A highlight one for this year. 

Last April 27 - May 1 2013, we went to Bantayan Island Cebu Philippines,to blessed the children of Sta. Fe School. We're almost 50 volunteers. At first, I was just thinking that it was just an ordinary days, visiting the children and giving them some goodies&donations but it turned out to be an extra-ordinary one with lots of surprises.

I was really amazed on how God moved on that event!:-) Imagine a 6 months preparation only and we are all based here at SG going to one of the province in the Philippines, wow, thumbs-up to all the committees, they did a great job in organizing. 50 volunteers in four nights and five days at Cebu!:-) All hardworks are worth it! Truly it was really by God's grace that we were able to do it. The program was so smooth and it goes out naturally, as the spirit leads. Everyone gave their 100% effort in every activities, from simple to the most greater tasks as if we are all having fun and just enjoying the moment, never mind of any inconvenience contrary to the comfort that SG gave, it was totally different there. I gained a lot friends! genuine, Christ-centered friendships. All skills and talents are used for the Glory of God. Even I, myself was amazed how God used me, it was my first time to join the p&w team here at SG, and, it's not really my nature to show or speak up to a lot of people but God gave me confidence!:-) and in all activities we had. Thank you God without You I am nothing. The PLACE and The FOOD wow!:-) it was really exceptional. A wonderful place to rest within, having the resort, the beach, and the food we have there, free from any wordly stress. So relaxing! speechless!:-) amazing God. We have so much fun! so much of memories and so much of friends!-) and I can only thank God for allowing me to experience His Greatness through this event.

And finally!:-) of course the highlight of the event was the impart-ation and meeting up with the kids!:-) They are so precious in the eyes of God. I am so blessed and honored to have met them. Seeing them striving harder just to learn and study in school despite of what they only have. Imagine a small rooms, so hot, no enough resources, no lights, etc. and they can sustain that, wow! God you are so compassionate. I was rebuked of complaining a lot of things in my life and yet these little children don't have enough but only the Love of God with a hopeful heart that someday all of their dreams will come true.

We are so much glad that we became part of their life even for just a simple ways. We teached them, played with them, gave them some, painted their rooms and entertained them. Their smiles are priceless, seeing them happy is enough for the volunteers to pursue even if it's tiring, but nothing can stop us!:-) so wonderful. We knew that what we did were just simple in the eyes of the others but I know in the eyes of God we have planted already the seed that will surely bloom in the coming days or years. A new generaton awaits for these little children to arise and so we are so proud that someday when they reached that years, we, somehow became part of their success in life most especially in the growth of their personal relationship with Christ. 

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." - Mark 10:14

"Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." - 1 Corinthians 15:58

Thank You Lord for making all things possible! Truly You alone deserve all Glory!:-)