Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Grace Changes Everything

But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. - 2 Corinthians 12:19

The unmerited favor of God that even if we don't deserve, God gave it to us. That's Grace! It is a gift and cannot be earned. It is Free but Not Cheap because it cost the life of  the Son of Man at the cross. As a matter of fact it is costly, no one can ever afford to pay it that's why it's freely given to us.

Every time I look at the Cross, it reminds me of the greatest demonstration of God's Grace! that someone laid His life for a sinner like me. Someone paid the penalty in exchange for our freedom! someone shed His blood so that we may have life. How can we not love Him! We are bought with a price, a price without measure, because in His sight we are precious. What a beautiful exchange. I guess we can never really appreciate the grace of God unless we truly realize how sinful we are because where sin abounded, grace abounded all the more.

It is His grace that embraces who I am. At the cross, Jesus lost His identify so we may have one. An identity that is built in Christ Jesus and not of this world. So make stronghold of your identity in Him and never let anyone steal it. Be secured in Him. Stand on who we are in Christ and not in the eyes of men because at the end of the day, it is still His grace and love that will sustain us.

I thank God for His grace because it is by His grace that I was able to do immeasurable things that my own flesh cannot do. It changes me, it changes everything!:-)


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Setting up Goals with Faith

It's been a year now since I have set up my faith goals and I can say that almost half of it have been accomplished. Thank God for giving me the courage to do it. I've learned new things, go to different places and touched others lives. It's been a fruitful year for me yet more to come. 

And this year is going to be an exciting year! I claimed it! there's really a lot more to come. Time to set goals with FAITH!. 'Until you know what you are willing to die for, you are not ready to live. You are just existing' as per Rick Warren. Goals are just goals if we only dream for it without having a commitment. For us to go to another place, we must decide first that we are willing to leave our current places, the courage and endurance of pursuing the things you've destined to. Yes and it's really fulfilling when you know your purpose and for whom you are created for! Always have this peace when you're at the center of God's will having the Lord at the center of your life. Thank YOU Jesus! for your unending love for us. For simply loving me for who I am! and I am worth a lot! haha 

And now setting up my goals with faith, expect more of HIS Glory! Laying down your requests to God! yey  excited for this year!:-)

Below are in the top of my lists.

1. By faith, my family will be able to visit here in sg.

2. By faith, travel to a different places and countries, love to embrace and learn different cultures, meeting different nationalities and new people.

3. By faith, financial breakthroughs, free from debts, especially our house in the Philippines.

4. By faith, compose a song, music of my soul!, song for God or inspirational songs.

5. By faith, learn photography with my own DSLR camera (but don't have cam yet!).

6. By faith, to have my own guitar.

7. By faith, to do more blog posts and writings that will lift other's spirits.

8. By faith, to learn new programmings skills or any graphic designing.

9. By faith, to lead others in Christ. An empty vessel to be used.

10. By faith, Lord I claimed! love life (God's Best) (haha).

And above all else, make sure you set your goals with faith. Why? Because Jesus said, "According to your faith, will it be done to you" (Matthew 9:29 NIV)

Yeah done for my faith goals for this year!.