Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Unconditional Love

Wow.. this will be my first post for this year! haha almost a year since my last post. Well thanks to my dear sister in faith I got encouraged to blog again (after 10 years) haha..
Thank you Cel!:-) we really do have a lot of same things in common weeehhh :-)

Anyway, As I was reading and retrieving mails and posts, for some reasons, out of nowhere, I've been hooked retrieving some of my old posts, back track memory lane (2007) I found this post of mine in one of my old blog site.  I forgot the URL where I read it before posting it but this one is worth sharing for!:-)

Well just a good start to update my blog. A gentle reminder :-) hehe
Hope I can update more often this site!:-) s0onest!:-)

When we love someone in its truest of form, it is a pure love, a love with no conditions. Love out of purity can develop over time or be instantaneous in some situations.

When we love or care for someone unconditionally it is because we want to, not because we feel we have to. We don’t love that person because of what they do for us. We don’t love them because we want something that they have. We love them because we have a special place reserved in our hearts and in our spirits specifically for them. This love is unshaken because it is based on truth not on convenience.

It doesn't even matter if our love is reciprocated by the person we care for. It doesn’t matter if they turn their backs and walk away. It doesn’t matter if they choose to say nothing at all, because the love you have for them exists regardless of the circumstance and regardless of the condition. It is simply based on your strong sense of care for this individual. It is not based on power. It is not based on control. It is based on love’s purest intentions.

When we love someone unconditionally, we love them as they are, as they were, and as they intend to be. We embrace their past, their present, and their future as a fine intricate detail of who they are. When they speak, we listen to them. When they are still, we stand by their sides. When they need to be left alone, we leave them be, but we continue to love them even when separated by distance.

Unconditional love goes beyond just the emotions of love; it develops in the core of our being as it is there where we hold those close to us so dearly.

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