Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Good Steward

For a month now this has been the topic that keeps on reminding me to post on my blog site, I just don't know why but every time I urge to do blogging, I felt I have to blog this. And because of my busyness, it hinders me to do a lot of things that I like the most, and blogging is one of it. But finally, since I don't have work today, there's no reason not to post it!:-). Well, maybe, I just think that God is dealing with me in this area of my life that's why I'm in this season where I need to be a good steward or I guess in all season we should be a good and faithful steward. 

For all you know, I've been here in Singapore for a year and a month now, the life that I have to embrace here was so different from the life that I used before, back in the Philippines. So cozy, glamorous and hi-tech. At first, there's a culture shock but then time passes by you'll be used to it because this is what Singapore can offer.

A strong proof that this world offers a lot. Treasures, properties, wealth, fame name it! it has everything the people need when it comes to tangible things. Many people owned a lot of possessions: be it money, properties, and  positions. If you are not conscious enough, you'll be hook by it without noticing that these things consume your world. It's kinda alarming and that is why I'm dealing with it because I know I'm struggling through it. Not only to the tangible things but also the intangible things that sometimes I overlooked to disciplined with.

But God is so good that during that time when I came to think of it, as I attended the Sunday service at ENCS, it was so timely that the preaching is all about it. The word truly spoke to me. Really it was so helpful to me.

To start with, I came to think of it that all of these things in this world we own nothing. In the first place, God owns everything. We are only a steward of all these things He has entrusted us. As long as you've never realize that everything you have comes from the Lord, it will be hard for you to manage it in a Godly perspective.

So how am I going to be a good and faithful steward of God's possessions:  

1. A good steward of treasures - >

'The Lord says 'Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.' - Hebrews 13:5. 
       We all work for money, and money is the main medium for us to survive in our everyday living, without it, it will be harder for us to sustain our everyday finances, sorry but we can't deny that fact. But this is contrary to what God says, that we should flee ourselves from the love of money. Because it might loose our attention from Him and sometimes, we make money our God. But the truth is He owns everything even the money we have, He's the one who provides it so even if we don't have these treasures but we have God, we will still be able to survive in this world because that is His promise.  'Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce'. - Proverbs 3:9. Security comes from Him. We should spend our treasures wisely, in those things that glorifies Him. To give back to the Lord what is due to His name. I believe that tithing is one way to give back what is for the Lord. In a man's economy, the more you give, the more you will loose but in Christ, the more we gave, the more blessings will give back to us.  ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ - Acts 20:35. Since we have a generous heart, the Lord will use us to be a channel of blessings to others. We should also love what we have and be faithful with what we have. 'One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.' - Luke 16:10. God honors our faith, we should always have a thankful heart in whatever amount we received because in that way it pleases Him until you have no room for all the blessings He will give!:-) Sharing it with others is also a trait of a good steward. 'Do not withhold good things to those who deserves it.'- Proverbs 3:27. If there's a calling from the Lord through you to bless others then do after all it is the Lord who will blesses you back a hundred fold. Let us not be deceive by the material things of this world but invest to what is eternal.

2. A good steward of time - >

       We have 24 hours in a day to do all the necessary things we need to do. How are we going to spend it in a wisely manner. I believe, our future also depends on how we spend our time everyday. To the things that we are passionate of surely where our time is. The word says: 'Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.' - Ephesians 5:15-17. In our everyday life, let's be wise in where are we going to spend it because we might not know what will happen next, until we regret the things we aren't did. We should not spend our time to those things with no eternal value because we are investing not for temporal but for everlasting.Think of being resourceful and the frugality which results to a positive way. Time is more greater value than money because materializing our dreams depends on the time we spend now. Time is also the greatest proving ground for a dream. Learn to prioritize things which are important and necessary for us. Make everyday count and let not kill it and waste it for nothing.

3. A good steward of talents - >

       It is a gift from God, the giver of all. The Lord demonstrates us on how are we going to be a good steward of our talents through a parable in the bible where He gave the talents to those people according to its purpose, God was so pleased to those who gave back to Him what He gave to them and so disappointed to the one who hid his talent. Same thing with us, the talents that are given to us should be share enough to others so that when the time come the Lord will ask us, what we did to the things He gave, we are so proud enough to say that our talents has been multiplied and used according to it. It was not hidden and wasted for nothing but to Glorify Him. So let's make the most excellence out of us and do the best that we can. To work worthy of Christ. Let's be an energy giver and not energy taker. 'And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five talents; here I have made five talents more.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.' - Mathew 25:20-21

All of these things, I knew I need to work it out and apply it to myself, I'm not saying I'm a good steward because I know all these, it is just that the Lord has spoken to me that I should NOT  be lazy in sharing my talents, greedy in the treasures I have, and foolish in spending my time for nothing. I know I'm struggling with it but with the Lord in me I can do all these things!:-) and I desire to honor God by being a good steward to HIS creations.


Anonymous said...

The recommendations you discussed here are really useful. It absolutely was such a fun surprise to have that awaiting me after i woke up to find this event. Thank you very much for the tip!

Cindy Bulado said...


Thanks for reading!:-)
It's an honor that you got encouraged and serves as a help for you.
I just like to share revelations from the Lord through my reflections of everyday battles, breakthroughs and blessings!:-)

Godbless indeed!:-)