Thursday, June 30, 2011


It's quite disappointing and a bit sad :-( to know that all my photos and blogs in my old friendster account were gone 

Friendster made a major change in their sites renovating the old one, in-effect they have to clean-up their servers and databases. But sad to say that all information including photos, blogs, friends list etc. of their users will have to be deleted. Effect was only done last June 28, 2011. A month ago, they made an announcement worldwide that they are going to renovate the site and will make a biggest change on it. And now here it comes, when I logon early this week to check my photos, I wasn't able to and so I found out that Friendster staffs already took the changes. Feedbacks were coming all over the net. Well we can’t deny the fact that, that-thingy-called Friendster Era was already been left behind by the dominating Facebook site. The world was now hooked by that social networking site.

Maybe to others it's a non-sensual thing to feel that way or I'm over reacting only because of that. Given the time to backup all the important files in the account but still I wasn't able to do it :-( ohh lesson learned I guess... I'm not after the friends or testimonials I have on that account but I'm after the memories. I only kept my friendster account only for those photos and blogs I have there because it’s all sorts of reminiscences for me. Well It's seems that all of my memoirs I had since I started using FS was gone. Trip down memory lane (2002), Friendster is the first social networking site I used to, I remember I have this account way back college days (1st year) so all of my events, photos were posted there. I didn't have a soft copy of it coz' it's almost a decade or less already. But what can I do the damaged has been done :-( Memories in my photos were there and all of my posts in my friendster blog. Friendster blog was my first blog site. And my first ever blog post was in my Friendster Blog. I remember those lonely days when I felt all alone and sad, I used to post my thoughts there depending on my mood and what I've felt, I will blog it there. Ohh I just missed it. Well OA or whatever they may say I just only treasured every moment of my life.

So what will be the lessons here...It reminds me of an old adage says - "Don't do tomorrow what you can do today" ouch… Mañana Habit as what we called for most Filipinos. I admit that I have that kind of attitude in me but trying to change it for good. And most importantly what God is dealing with me here was that... Life is so short to waste it, to overlook it, and to reciprocate it with non-sensual things; we can never know until when are we going to stay here on earth. So if you have the time to do it then do because later on we might regret it or will be too late for us if we take it for granted :-(

God has given us all the time to do the things we had to do in our everyday life. It only depends on us how are we going to manage those times. From a simple task to a more complicated one. A time to fix our schedules, our things at house, a time to restore broken relationships, a time to forgive, to love, and to share Yes all of that, we had given the time but still its our own call, choices and decisions in life that will dictate us and lead us to a life that we want. So better do the right thing now before it’s too late.

Thank You Lord for reminding me in this area, a simple circumstances but awakened me in my journey in life.

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