Friday, July 8, 2011


Sharing some thoughts of mine with you, hope you’ll get encourage :-)

Do you know how it feels to be broken? Every one of us has its own story of brokenness in our lives. Be it in love life, relationships, spirituality or even sexual brokenness, all of these has its own share of pains that could hardly bear and sometimes worst comes to worst, it consumes our lives to the point that we are already living with it. So sad but it's true to some :-(

But wait here's the brighter side I've found about it :-)
Do you also know that there is Beauty in brokenness? :-) There is wholeness in brokenness, there are blessings in brokenness and in brokenness you shine? :-) Yes it's true...I've been tested by it so many times in my life :-)

Whenever I felt broken, I isolated myself from the others; I want to be alone... (Well it's healthy to be alone sometimes :-)), having one-on-one with the Lord, sing praises unto HIM and praying. Prayer is so powerful because from there on, it will help you view the situations in a Godly perspective. I started to recognize the pains I've felt instead of denying it that will later on create bitterness in my heart and so I just acknowledged it, YES I am hurt and there's pain in me and sometimes I let myself cry :-( Second, I have compassion for what I've felt. In the book of Psalm 34:18 it says: "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit", these only prove that the Lord is near to a heartbroken. He knew what we've felt and what we are going through. He has compassion to the brokenness we have. The same thing on us, I don't just ignore it, I will make it to a point that from this brokenness I will learn and from there on I started to understand those pains in me. It gives peace when you started to understand the purpose of your brokenness or pains you have. That this thoroughness is part of a heavenly reason, we may not know for a while but sooner we'll see the purpose. Even Christ experienced brokenness, in Psalm 51:17 says: “My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise”. A fact that He is broken for us, for me and for you is Priceless. Isaiah 53:5 says: "But he was pierced for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." And remember when Christ was about to fall on the hands of the foe, He prayed to the Father, as much as he wanted to let the pains taken from HIM, He still understands that those pains were part of God's plan. Matthew 26:39 says: “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” In the midst of our despair, there's always a greater purpose more than we could ever imagine, we only need to TRUST God. I found wholeness in Christ even if I'm broken. Surrendering it to HIM uplifts my spirit. It is so s0oo comforting to feel that way and it gives me courage to move on. YES it's time to move on and believe that we will be able to surpass it because of a HOPE that only comes from HIM :-) I remember, one of the insights I love from EN2010, and I quote "You cannot be offended and anointed at the same time so Move on!" It was being said by Ms. Grace A. God cannot use us if we still dwell on our past or in someone who hurt us. We need to release forgiveness, for ourselves and for the others. Remember that forgiveness is always been a decision and not a choice or option. It doesn't need to be earn by someone it should be given quickly. Life goes on no matter what. After all we found ourselves better than before. In our brokenness we shine because we are stronger than ever. And once you've already move on without bitterness, your brokenness can be a blessings to others because you will share it to them and they will got encouraged and learn from their own brokenness as well. 

One of a beautiful quote I love about brokenness from Henry Nouwen it says:

“Our life is full of brokenness – broken relationships, broken promises, and broken expectations. How can we live with that brokenness without becoming bitter and resentful except by returning again and again to God’s faithful presence in our lives”.

So that's the beauty I have in my brokenness...Hope you enjoyed reading J
And as I end this blog, here's the poem I've created during those painful times in my life that only Jesus can heal J


Shattered tears
Deep hurts
Unwavering pains

My heart gets tired
My heart yells
My heart cries
And so I'm broken

Pieces of my self
Pieces of my heart
Pieces of my inner most being
Who can mend the wholeness of me?

As my heart grows faint
As my heart grows weary
And as my heart grows ill

Lead me to the Rock that is Higher than I
Restore the Joy of my Salvation
Mold me Shape me Glaze me

For this brokenness are yours
And I am broken without you

Because you are the Rock on which I stand.


Anonymous said...

ang galing, Cinds! Go, Go, Go! ;) Praise God!

Cindy Bulado said...

Based from experience sis! hehehe
thanks for reading!:-)