Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Just 'an' LSS (It takes 3)

For a week now, this has been an LSS for me. I first heard it in one of my sister's in faith wedding celebration, lined up as one of her wedding songs. The song was an epic, recorded and produced by Randy & Shannon Petrescue @ Dream Logic Inc. I love the lyrics and it's really honoring God in the center of a marriage. This song might be an inspiration to many especially at this generation where marriage only lasts for years and sometimes had expiration! How could that be :-(

Well this song could be a sort of an encouragements to the singles as well (ahemm :-)) that marriage is so sacred and to make it last, we put Jesus in the center of it. A Love Triangle Marriage between man Jesus and woman. Jesus to be in the center and at the top. I just find it so inspiring especially to those newly weds that marriage will not work without Jesus. We found to love and be love because Christ first loved us. Above all else, Jesus the author of our Love story and with the power of the Holy Spirit to join two lives, two hearts, and two destinies as One in Christ...will have to give glory and honor due His name...Just the two could never be enough and so truly it takes 3 to make a God-honoring marriage lasts.

I can't resist posting it because it was really inspiring! Hope you'll like it :-) I also put the chords in it but I don't know what's exactly the chords, just put it by hearing it. (with Capo much better I think but I haven't tried it yet) Hard to find, there's no chords and lyrics in the net :-(

Anyway congratulations to all newly wed! esp. to my sister in faith (ate mich :-)& kuya bryant!)

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." - 1 John 4:18

It takes 3
Randy&Shannon Petrescue 
@ Dream Logic Inc.

Key of G
I. (G Am C D)
I can't believe God placed you in my life
Baby it's a dream, to hold you close,
To know that you are mine 

II. (G Am C D)
I never thought,
I'd meet a friend like you
What you mean to me,
I'm learning more that words will never do

Ref. (Em Bm C D)
So I'm gonna show you with my life
How much you mean to me
But I could never do without the One
Who made us both to see...

Ch. (G Am C D)
It takes three,
To make a marriage work
To reveal, what only God can do
It takes three,
To see the Father's Love revealed in us
Just the two,
Could never be enough
And all though we're committed
When times get tough
We still need, the One who's faithful and so true
I know it takes
(I know it takes)
Me Jesus and you!

III. (G Am C D)
It's hard to understand
Why people say -
"Just give them a couple years...
They'll settle down,
Their love will fade away"

IV. (G Am C D)
I pray that they
Would come to know this love...
It’s not just what we feel,
It’s a precious gift
It’s sent from up above

Ref. (Em Bm C D)
So with Christ the love grows
More and more until the final day
So with our love we celebrate the One
Who gave His life away

Repeat Ch.

(Em Bm)
I know baby
When we say forever (forever!)
It’s gonna be forever
(Em Bm C D)
Cause we're not here to try this out
We're gonna press on through
Beyond a shadow of a doubt

(Em Bm)
We've based our lives
Upon the love of Jesus Christ
(Em Bm C D)
So we simply recognize the truth
And give the Lord our Lives...

Repeat Ch.

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